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2025-2026 Annual Tuition and Fees

Grade Level         Annual Tuition

Pre-K4 (5 day)                   $5,995
K-6th Grade                       $11,300
7th-9th Grade                    $11,900
10th-12th Grade                $12,600

Tuition being paid in one payment is due by July 1, 2025. Tuition being paid in monthly installments will include the $100 per student yearly management fee with the first monthly payment. Monthly payments are made June 2025 through May 2026. 

Tuition Discounts

Families enrolling more than one student will be given a tuition discount. The oldest student in a family will be considered the first student and will pay full tuition. Discounts for additional students are as follows:

$275 a year for the second child in Kindergarten – 12th grade
$350 a year for each additional child in Kindergarten – 12th grade
$150 a year for the second or each additional child in preschool

Application Fees

A non-refundable application fee of $225 per student must be submitted with each application.

Financial Aid

Although the school’s financial aid fund for tuition assistance is modest, families who cannot afford full tuition should not hesitate to apply for admission. The need for assistance will not be considered in the admissions process.

For families seeking admission to Westminster, your complete enrollment application must be in process (this includes all application forms and fees) before you can be considered for financial aid. Financial aid awards will not be made until FACTS has received the application and all required tax documents.

Westminster is an approved GOAL scholarship school and is a participant in the Georgia Tuition Tax Credit Scholarship Program. Students who are eligible for this funding will automatically be considered when the financial aid application is completed.

You must apply for financial aid using the process described below to be eligible for the Georgia Tuition Tax Credit Scholarship Program.

Financial Aid Assessment

Tuition assistance is available on the basis of demonstrated need. If you believe that your resources are not sufficient to meet the total costs of a Westminster education, you are encouraged to apply. FACTS provides a framework through which household need can be measured fairly and equitably. Recommendations from FACTS are used by the Westminster award committee in accordance with its policies to determine the award amount.

Financial Aid Application Information

Applications for tuition assistance may be completed online by following this link to the FACTS website. There is a processing fee that is made payable to FACTS. Failure to pay the processing fee may delay the evaluation.