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Westminster Christian Academy seeks to be a body of believers that humbly embraces the gospel of Christ. While we seek to partner with parents from a variety of traditions, we unapologetically affirm the following essentials of the Christian faith:
  • The divine inspiration of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, making them both inerrant and authoritative
  • The existence of the infinite, personal, and holy God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  • The historicity of the fall of man and the reality of sin
  • The deity, the virgin birth, the sinless life, the supernatural miracles, the atoning death, the physical resurrection, the ascension, and personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ
  • The absolute necessity of salvation through faith alone, because of the shed blood of Christ, and only by God’s grace, for the gift of eternal life
WCA takes the Westminster Confession of 1648 as its broader summary of biblical truth. However, the school encourages respect for various positions among Christians concerning:
  • The mode and appropriate age for baptism
  • The chronological details of the return of Jesus Christ
  • The practice of the ecstatic gifts within the body of Christ
  • The precise interpretation of the six days of creation in the Genesis record
  • The most appropriate form of church government