Our Philosophy
At Westminster, we believe that it is simply not possible for students to be educated in a neutral environment. Every form of education is based on some philosophical perspective, and that philosophical perspective will serve to shape students’ beliefs and influence how they view the world around them. Westminster students are educated from the perspective that God is the source of all life and truth, and they are presented with a worldview that is consistent with biblical principles.
To further clarify this philosophy, we believe Christian education has its very foundation in the relationship between God and man as taught in the Bible. It is a process whereby all instruction is based on the truth of God’s Word. Christian education does not simply add chapel services or Bible classes to an otherwise secular education. Biblical truth is integrated into every part of the educational experience, particularly in how every academic subject is approached. This biblical approach to the various academic disciplines is closely guarded and maintained, as it is essential to the formation of Christian character, without which students will have no foundation for the application of knowledge.