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 We are delighted you are interested in our school. Westminster is a unique Christian community with a commitment to teaching the art of learning. Westminster’s humble beginnings in 1989 focused on intentional and genuine partnership with parents. Today, that partnership continues to be the foundation of our school’s culture.

We love meeting new families and developing relationships through the admissions process. During your time on campus you will observe teachers doing what they do best – engaging students and inspiring their natural curiosity about God’s world. The sounds of campus include the playful laughter of Pre-K students as they recite Scripture as well as the thoughtful questions and discussions of upper school students contemplating the great works and ideas of the Western tradition. The joy and excitement of students is contagious as they prepare for a lifetime of learning and serving God.

Here is what our current families are saying about their Westminster experience:

“Westminster is truly our ‘partner’ in the educating of our children. It provides a Christ-centered environment that focuses on the whole person. Strength of character and academic excellence is the by-product of making God the number one priority!”

“Most private schools boast strong academic programs, and Westminster is certainly no exception. But what we love about Westminster is its focus on both academic discipline and building connections – between teachers and students, between classmates, between families. If you are looking for a nurturing, protective environment that emphasizes academic structure, Christ-centered compassion and service, and the development of close personal relationships, look no further – Westminster is the place for you.”

“There is nothing more important in this life than knowing God and having His Son formed in us. We are thankful that our children can experience a challenging education at Westminster, but even more importantly that they are encouraged to grow “in the knowledge of God” and the likeness of Christ.”