Varsity Cross Country
Click this link to stay up to date on all things Westminster Varsity Boys Cross Country!
Click this link to stay up to date on all things Westminster Varsity Girls Cross Country!
2:00 - MS dismissal and depart on mini bus 3:00 Varsity departure 3:45 - MS Combined 2 mile (unlimited) 4:15 - JV girls 4:45 - HS JV boys 5K (unlimited) 5:20 - Varsity Girls 5k (10 runners) Live Results will be available at ( $10 entry/spectator fee per vehicle
3:30pm - Middle School race - it will be a combined boys and girls race - with awards to follow. 4:00pm - Varsity Girls Purple (small school) 4:30pm - Varsity Boys Small School (Purple). 6:00pm - Awards for varsity races Bus riders for sure: Nathan Elionaye Abel Cole Will Jude Dominick Ollie Molly Jane Molly Anne Genevieve -Adelaide
WCA Augusta Prep Brentwood Briarwood Gatewood Edmund Burke John Hancock Monsignor Donovan Thomas Jefferson
$15 per adult, $10 per student spectator!!! 6:10 AM - Bus departs WCA 7:30 AM - Complex Opens and Packet Pickup Starts 8:30 AM - Coaches Meeting 9:00 AM - Girls AA Championship Race 9:45 AM - Boys AA Championship Race 10:30 AM - Girls AAA Championship Race 10:35 AM - AA Awards Ceremony